Hey fellow bloggers, authors, readers, everyone! It's almost that time of year again, ALA's Banned Book Week, September 25th- October 2nd.
I'll be posting that entire week, featuring some of my favorite books that have been banned or challenged throughout the years. Looking at this years list (here) as well as the different lists from the past 2 decades (here) I was shocked to see some of the books that I've loved. I'm also going to be giving away one copy of each book I'm featuring (some of them signed!).
Where do you come in? I'd love for Banned Book Week to be a celebration of great books and the freedom for everyone to have access to them. I'd like it to be bigger then just each of our individual blogs. So I want to hear from all of you! Do you want to guest post here on my blog? Are you having a BBW event on your blog too and want me to post about it here? Want to donate some swag for the giveaways? Shoot me an email at areadersramblings@gmail.com and let me know if you are interested in participating.
"They tricked us into reading a book by enticing us with promises of vulgarity!"
ReplyDeleteEric Cartman - South Park
Oh my gosh, Man of la Books! I was going to make a South Park reference too! Maybe we could study The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs.