Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers answers. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND sign Mister Linky at the bottom to share with us and all those who are participating. If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Don't worry if you can't come up with ten every time..just post what you can!
This week we are looking for our top ten books that you wish you had read as a kid. This is another hard topic for me because both my parent were teachers, so we read, ALOT. There were books everywhere and I still get at least one children's book every year for Christmas (and my daughter gets several). My library rivals my local library. No joke, my local library blows, but that doen't diminish the fact that my home library is ginormous. Alot of those books are hold overs from when I was a kid. So I really had to think about what books I didn't read when I was a kid.
1. The full Chronicals of Narnia Series: I distinctly remember reading the first two and loving them, but after that I stopped. I don't know why, but I never read The Dawn Treader until the movies came out and I revisted the series.
2. Jumanji- this is another one that I never read until recently. In fact I didn't even know it was a book until I saw it sitting on top of the libary shelf.
3. Into the Looking Glass- Like the Narnia books I read Alice, but never picked up Looking Glass until this past year when it was a featured book at EFG.
4. Little House on the Prairie Series- Now I love these books, but back when I was a kid they just didn't interest me. A girl out on the priarie? Boring. I can't believe I missed out of these as I was kid!
5. Harry Potter- Don't worry, I've read them, but I resisted a good long while before picking them up. They came out when I was in school and for whatever silly reason I was convinced they were for little kids (not mature one's like me). Eventually my Dad convinced e to pick them up, obviously I became hooked just like the rest of the world!
6. The Bridge to Terebitha- this is one that just never struck my interest, but having not read it I feel like I have somehow missed out.
7. Are You There God? It's Me, Margeret.- this is another one that I just didn't read. In fact I can't say I'd ever really heard of it until this past year when alot of censorship issues came to the forefront and this book was being talked about again. I felt like I had clearly missed out on something having never read it!
8. Pippi Longstocking- this is another one that until recently I thought was only a movie. It wasn't until I started book shopping for my daughter that I realized it was also a book- I can't believe I missed out because the movie was one of my all time favorites!
9. The Tales of Despereaux- Yet another one that didn't cross my radar until I saw the movie. It's was an adorable movie, a great book and I think I really would have enjoyed it as a kid.
10. The Hardy Boys- I have no idea why I never read these. I picked them up while working as a teacher aid while my kids were at library time and I was stunned I had never read them. So much fun.
I also have The Tales of Despereaux, Bridge to Terebitha, and the Chronicles of Narnia on my list!
ReplyDeleteI wish I would've read Bridge to Terebithia when I was a child.
ReplyDeleteLOL- Good to know I'm not alone in the books I feel I missed out on!
ReplyDeleteI hated the Little House on the Prairie books as a kid. haha My dad read them to me, and he totally enjoyed them more than I did. lol
ReplyDeleteI read a lot of the books on your list as a kid, but others, like Narnia I waited and wished I hadn't.
ReplyDeleteI did read HP though, and it was so awesome because I 'grew up' with Harry and the gang. I was always relatively close to the ages of the characters, so this book will always have a very special place in my heart!