It almost the time of year again for Book Blogger Appreciation Week, which this year will run from September 13th-17th. This is a week that recognizes and celebrates all the fabulous book bloggers out there who work so hard to share their love of books with everyone!
From the BBAW website:
Book Blogger Appreciation was started by Amy Riley of My Friend Amy in an effort to recognize the hard work and contribution of book bloggers to the promotion and preservation of a literate culture actively engaged in discussing books, authors, and a lifestyle of reading.
The first Book Blogger Appreciation was observed in the fall of 2008 and occurs every September. The week spotlights and celebrates the work of active book bloggers through guest posts, awards, giveaways, and community activities. Book Bloggers are encouraged to register their participation for inclusion in a database of book bloggers.
I've decided to register my blog in the niche catagory of Young Adult Book Blog Niche Category and the New Book Blog Featured Category. As part of the registration process I need to link to 5 previous posts that I feel represent my blog, so without further ado...
Review: Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder
Review: The Dust of 100 Dogs by A.S. King
Review: Stolen by Lucy Christopher
Article: Are We Too Nice?
Article: Do You Judge A Blog by it's Cover?
If you are interested in registering your blog, head on over to the BBAW2010 website and sign on up! You only have until July 7th to register, so get on it :) Good luck to all who entered.
Stopping by from the hop. Have a great weekend!
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