I recently got three books from the Cadence Group by author Brian McClure. All three books are Universal Flag books (which I will get to after I talk about the books). All the books were great stories, with excellent messages and the illustations made the books even better. One thing I'd like to point out is that all three books are written in verse. I found that I had trouble reading them to myself, as I got hung up on finding the rhymes. However, when I read the book aloud to my daughter, the writing flowed off the page. These books are great for reading aloud, and their message of oneness, is one that is wonderful to share.

The Sun & The Moon
By: Brian McClure
Illustrated by: Buddy Plumlee
It happened one day right out of the blue, the Sun told the Moon he was tired and through. "What do you mean?" the Moon asked the Sun, "That would be the end of everything, and that wouldn't be fun!" The Sun and the Moon soon allow their fears to turn into anger. In that very instant, they walk out on their responsibilities, and cause unseen harm to the Earth and all who inhabit it.
Eventually, the Sun and the Moon remember their interconnection with all, and quickly work together to restore balance. The Sun and the Moon is an entertaining story that reveals the unseen effects of fear and anger on others. It encourages children and adults to take a closer look at their behavior when they are overcome by anger. (from brianmcclure.com)
I enjoyed this book probably the most of the three. This story starts with the Sun deciding that he was tired and no longer wanted to work at lighting and heating the earth. The moon was taken aback and was scared of what would happen if the Sun simply quit. The fear turned to anger and pretty soon the Sun and Moon were fighting, and in their anger they ignored the plight of the earth, which was suffering due to their anger. What is essentially a simple story about the Sun and the Moon and how their fight affects the earth, is quickly connected to how people's anger can affect the people around them. As the Sun and the Moon fight, the earth begins to freeze and the humans and animals suffer. We also see how people, motivated by fear can give into their anger, which can cause relationships to become cold.
Eventually the Sun and the Moon's anger turns to sadness as they realize their fight is hurting both of them. They see that they need eachother, and beyond that, the earth needs them, that everything is connected. They apoligize and agree to start over and get to work healing the planet.
The lesson to be learned is a simple one. We are all connected and our actions (especially those motivated by fear and anger) reach far and wide.

The Birds and the Frogs
By: Brian McClure
Illustrated by: Buddy Plumlee
"I'm smarter then you, because your just a frog, why in the hierarchy of animals, you're really a clog!"

The Birds and the Frogs
By: Brian McClure
Illustrated by: Buddy Plumlee
"I'm smarter then you, because your just a frog, why in the hierarchy of animals, you're really a clog!"
"I'm sorry," the frog said in reply "I'm sure I'd be smarter, if only I could fly."
The conversation continued on in the very same way...unfortunately, it was always the same in each new day. After a time, and who could say how long, all frogs believed that they didn't belong. First there was one, and then a dozen more, and before you knew it... it became part of the core. Their thoughts of less had reached critical mass, causing all frogs to believe, they were lesser a class. (from the back cover)
This book was adorable, and packed a wollup of a message as well. The book begins with the birds picking on the frogs, in typical bully fashion. They tell the frogs they are nothing but clogs, that they are not smart and that they don't belong. After awhile the frogs begin to believe what they birds say and resign themselves to being something less-then, something not worthy. It's not until a new generation of frogs, a group of tadpoles, see what is going on and intercede. They stand up to the birds and remind everyone that just because you are different (as birds and frogs are) doesn't mean that one is better then the other.
Again, there are asides to the main story that focus on how the plight of the birds and the frogs relate to they way humans treat eachother. Bully's often pick on those who are different, they might be motivated by fear, or self-consciousness, but there is usually more to their actions then meets the eye. The story of the birds and the frogs remind us that we are all different from eachother, but it doesn't give anyone the right to bully anyone else.
Again, the message is clear and concise, our differences are what make us great, not what make us less-then or not worthy. We have to recognize the differences and embrace them, instead of being afraid of them and using them as a reason to put people down.

The Raindrop
By: Brian D. McClure
Illustrated by: Buddy Plumlee
"I am just a raindrop, I am smaller than small. What am I doing here? I have no use at all..."
So begins the story of The Raindrop. In this adventurous journey, many Truths are uncovered which help the Raindrop remember the higher purpose of his life. This simple and heartfelt story, allows children and adults of all ages to remember the Truth of who they are. (from brianmcclure.com)

The Raindrop
By: Brian D. McClure
Illustrated by: Buddy Plumlee
"I am just a raindrop, I am smaller than small. What am I doing here? I have no use at all..."
So begins the story of The Raindrop. In this adventurous journey, many Truths are uncovered which help the Raindrop remember the higher purpose of his life. This simple and heartfelt story, allows children and adults of all ages to remember the Truth of who they are. (from brianmcclure.com)
The Raindrop was the last of the three books that I picked up, and it's message varied slightly from the other two books, but still enbraced the greater message of interconnectedness.
In this story the little raindrop thinks he is to small to be of any use, he doesn't understand where he fits in, or what he is good for. The cloud can only watch as the raindrop leaves and heads to earth to be part of the water cycle that the raindrop doesn't fully understand. As the raindrop travels through the air, into the ground, down a river, out a hose and helps to nourish the crops, he comes to realize that no matter his size he does have a place in the cycle. By being a part of that process he helps grow crops and nourish the world. He eventually travels back up to the clouds, where he encounters a cloud who believes much the same as the raindrop used to. The raindrop can only stand by as the cloud begins his own journey to see his place in the greater world.
This is another story that relates back to the way people feel. It's easy to sometimes feel out of place and insignificant like the raindrop did. You find it hard to see your place in the world around you, and that can be depressing. Like the raindrop, sometimes you just have to look around and see all the people whose lives you touch and who are better for having known you. We are all connected.
The idea of interconnectedness is a big one in these books, and it's a theme and idea that can be seen in the Universal Flag, which represents our interconnection and oneness with all. It's a great message that reminds us that we are all connected to eachother and everything, and that if you look past differences to see how we are alike, you can eliminate the fear and anger that arises, and create a difference in the world around you. Learn more about Brian McClure's books and get other information about the Universal Flag here.
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